Crimson Reflections

Because sometimes the world is too complex for black and white
Lolita Fashion History

Lesser Known Brands: Pina Sweet

Pina Sweet is a brand that has been in the Gothic Lolita Bibles for years (usually appearing next to Princess Doll). Unlike larger brands, they don’t stock a many different items at once, and their items tend to be available for a long time; If you look closely at the Gothic Lolita Bible images, you will see the same item appearing in multiple issues just in a different colorway. They have a blog in Japanese and a twitter, if you want to follow their updates.

シフォンハイウエストワンピース(ピンク) クラシックドールワンピースセット(ローズ柄・ピンク)Mサイズ

シフォンベビードールワンピース(ブラック) シフォンフリルワンピース(ワイン)

As you can probably tell from the images they have a generally sweet-classic design to their items, similar to Innocent World.

There is not a lot of information available about the brand in English; presumably because they are so small and do not ship overseas. You can, however, acquire their items from their webshop using a shopping service, and Atelier-Pierrot features them in their blog, so it appears that they carry Pina Sweet items in their physical Japanese shops. Price-wise they are more expensive than Innocent World, but still slightly cheaper than Juliette-et-Justine.

If you like what you see, they are currently having a sale that brings their prices down to about the same range as Innocent World’s items, or you can try Japanese second hand shops online. They likely will be under the “other brands” type category. Very little seems to popup second hand internationally, probably due to the low number of items they make, the price point, and that they don’t sell overseas.

I recently purchased the wine chiffon OP pictured above from their webshop using fromjapan as a shopping service, so expect a review of the quality in the near future!

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