Crimson Reflections

Because sometimes the world is too complex for black and white

Lolita Wardrobe Survey

A facebook friend posted this Lolita Survey from the Lolita Amino app (which I joined, but I don’t quite understand; I really hate typing on my phone and the idea of writing a blog post on my phone sounds beyond exhausting). Anyway, I thought it would be a fun, albeit light, thing to post.

1) Do you still own the first Lolita item you bought?

The very first lolita items I bought? Yessss… It’s bodyline’s bunny pockets knock off in sax and bodyline’s sax candy print skirt.

2) What is the oldest Lolita piece in your wardrobe?

The oldest is Angelic Pretty’s Strawberry-Chan Shirring OP from 2002. I have this in pink, and it’s surprisingly difficult to coordinate well so I haven’t worn it yet.


The next oldest is a three way tie.I have Innocent World’s Cross Crown Embroidery OP & Cape in black from 2003. If anyone ever sees either of these in wine, let me know!

crown-and-cross-motif-embroidery-op 20120924_7c5e17_0

I also have Mary Magdalene’s Fleur OP from 2003.


3) What is the newest Lolita piece in your wardrobe?

Metamorphose’s Cornelius Swallow Tail Wool Mossa Jacket; it just came in the mail 2 days ago!


4) What is the cheapest main piece in your wardrobe?

One of my Putumayo skirts, I’m sure. This particular one was about $25. Almost all of my pink house was super cheap too; I never spend more than $50 on pink house. It’s mostly around $15-$30 per piece for what I own.


5) What is the most expensive main piece in your wardrobe?

I paid the most for my Star Night Theater Bare JSK in blue. It was new with tags and I bought it in 2013 for 61,504 yen (~$630 USD at the time) before SS fees and shipping. So I probably paid around $650 for it when all was said and done.


My most valuable piece is currently my Elizabeth Bride of the Death JSK II. The other cut of this sells on auction for around 169,000yen (~$1,500 USD), so I guess it’s worth roughly that much o__o;;


6) Which of your Lolita items is your favorite?

I have a little book necklace that was handmade by caro-chan. Inside of it are messages from long-distance friends, so that I can keep them close to my heart even when they are far away. It’s really precious to me.


7) Which item in your Lolita wardrobe do you wear the most?

Lately, I’ve been wearing my cross crown embroidery OP a lot. I also have a headdress from Sweet Mildred that is black x gold x red that I wear with almost everything.


8) Which item do you wear the least?

My skirts, anything that needs a corset to look good. I’m getting old and tired.

9) Is there anything in your Lolita wardrobe that you haven’t worn yet?

Yes, some of them are things I bought but can’t find things to match, some are things I bought a bit ago when I weighed less and they don’t fit now.

10) What is missing from your Lolita wardrobe?

I could use a pair of light brown shoes, I guess? Maybe some royal blue ones.

11) When will your Lolita wardrobe be complete?

I honestly would say that it is. I buy a bit here and there when something new catches my eye, or something very old and rare comes along, but for the most part, I’m happy with what I have. I just replace things as they wear out or buy new releases these days.

12) What was the last Lolita item you sold or threw away?

Innocent World’s Luna Stripe JSK in Green. I had bought it with the intention of wearing it to work, but I never did, and it’s just so much easier to wear non-lolita dresses.

13) How many OPs do you have?

18, I think. Don’t hold me to that…

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14) How many JSKs do you have?

59? I think?

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15) How many skirts do you have?

28-ish, I think?

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16) How many petticoats do you have?

7. 2 from AP, one from classical puppets, 1 from malco modes and 3 from bodyline.

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17) What do you plan to buy next?

I might go for the AatP lucky pack print this year; not sure. I also want the butterfly print from Belladonna and their new bird print as well. And I want this silkscreened dragon print that Moss Badger made forever ago if she re-releases it.

18) When you first started wearing Lolita, what did you want your wardrobe to be like?

LOL, all sax sweet lolita. Like sax main pieces, sax bags, sax shoes. All sax. I just imagined a closet of sax dresses all in a row. I don’t actually look that great in sax… but when I imagine it, I still want that all sax closet. I have to really stop and think about it when buying stuff to keep from buying a lot of sax still. And it’s not because I think I can’t wear whatever I want even if it’s not my best color… it’s more like, when I look in the mirror after putting on something sax, I don’t like the way I look. I like the idea of a sax wardrobe more than the reality.

19) What is your Lolita wardrobe currently like?

Mostly AP and IW, and mostly red and blue. I really like crown and heraldry motifs, books, fruits/candies, circus motifs and carousels. It sounds like a lot, but when it’s spread between ~100 main pieces, there are definite taste trends!

20) What would you like your wardrobe to be like in the future?

I think I’d like to work on organization and storage. I want my actual lolita storage area to look cuter.

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