Coord Post: Royal Library at the Baltimore Museum of Art
Yesterday was my birthday, and my local lolita comm, Charm City Lolitas happened to have a meet at the Baltimore Museum of Art, which was awesome. And, as I haven’t any of those awesome JetJ painting dresses, I thought Innocent World’s Royal Library was the next best thing.
Photos are by the wonderful Casie Smith of Riot Grrl Photography who took some really lovely photos. I’ve cropped them both to remove other people / bystanders because I didn’t want to post someone else without their permission.
Quick outfit rundown:
- JSK: Innocent World Royal Library (Wine, Short)
- OTK: Innocent World
- Blouse: Innocent World
- Bolero: Innocent World
- Headbows: Innocent World
- Necklace: Innocent World
- Shoes: Offbrand (Target)
- Bag: Loris (Taobao)
- Flowers in Hair: Taobao (forget the shop)