Crimson Reflections

Because sometimes the world is too complex for black and white

Katsucon Panel: Please Just Take My Money – Buying Lolita from Japan

Thank you for attending my 2016 Katsucon panel! I’m so sorry about all of the technical issues. Thank you to all of you who stuck with me despite the problems.

The presentation slides are available via google docs:


Because of the technical issues, I deviated a little from the slides. I’ve tried to include information for everything mentioned, but please do feel free to comment with questions.

Shopping Services

FromJapan – Can buy from online shops in Japan, Mbok Auctions and Yahoo Japan Auctions.

Note: This is an affiliate link; if you register using this link you get 500 points (which is like a coupon for 500 yen) and I do get points as well. I usually don’t do affiliate programs because I feel like a lot of bloggers abuse them (recommending things they wouldn’t normally), but I was already using fromJapan when they started the program, and I thought it was kinda nice since it will give you all a sign up bonus you don’t otherwise get when you make a new account. There is a promotion going on right now, which is why it’s 500 points/yen. I think it’s normally only 300 points/yen.

Tenshi Shop – Chibi Tenshi, who runs Tenshi shop is really, really awesome. I use Tenshi Shop anytime I want to buy something from in a shop in Japan. She does online purchases as well. Her service is very, very popular, so don’t be slow to put in a request for something new!

Tokyo Pirates – Another in person shopping service. I used their service once when Tenshi Shop was closed, and had great results.

Lolita Brands

There are too many to list here, but I have a Lolita Brand Directory under the resource tab on my blog, which has their shops and their twitter and blogs.

Second Hand Shops

There are too many to list here, but I have a Second Hand Shop List under the resource tab on my blog.

News & Information

Lolita Updates on Facebook –  The idea of this facebook group is that as soon as someone learns about a new series (or print design) from a lolita brand, they make a post to the group. After that, any information about that series is posted as a comment to the initial post. So for example, someone might buy kera, see an upcoming AP print. They snap a photo of the page in kera, and post it with the name of the brand

Kera Magazine – Published monthly, and best for breaking news, but contains other street fashions too. I buy from Amazon Japan. Bound like a magazine. Please note that the cover dates have gotten way into the future, so if you want current news, you need to buy the newest issue, not the issue for the current month (for example the April 2016 edition was published on February 16th!)

Spoon Magazine – Not always about lolita. If you only want lolita magazines, only buy it when there is a lolita on the cover. Spoon 2di is an Anime magazine. Angelic Pretty does photo shoots with them once or twice a year recently. Bound like a softcover book. I also buy these on Amazon Japan.

Gothic Lolita Bible – Not as well regarded in Japan as Kera anymore by lolita. Published ~4 times a year, and bound like a soft cover book. The GLB does have sewing patterns, if you are into that. I also buy these on Amazon Japan.

Lolibrary – Lolibrary is an archive of current and past lolita items, and is a great resource when shopping second hand.

Closet Child High Price List – This is what closet child will pay for “rare” pieces, to give an idea of how much things get marked up.

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