Crimson Reflections

Because sometimes the world is too complex for black and white

52 Week Lolita Topic Challenge : Favorite thing to put on my head

Today’s post from the 52 Week Lolita Topic Challenge is 4. Favorite thing to put on my head. Which, is pretty easy to answer, because the answer is…. everything, of course!

But on a more serious note, I do have some favorite head accessory looks. First of all, I love doing off-set double standing headbows with sweet.

bows1            bows2

I also really enjoy doing decololi looks with a ton of bows. My basic rules for the bows is that they should all be relatively the same size (though I’ll use multiple sizes, I won’t pick drastically different sized ones), that they should have a matte finish (shiny bows look cheap when you have a lot of them, IMHO), and that every color I use should be in the print of the garment I’m wearing. I then try to pair them in groups of two or three, usually mixing and matching the way that they clip in so that a barrette style one is below every slide one (the slide ones fall out easier). I never put two of the same color against each other, try to pick a bigger and a smaller one, and try to off set them from each other. I also try to change up what two colors I’ve put side by side and balance the colors on either side of my head.

bows4               bows3

Lastly, I really like the floral hairpieces that I have from sweet mildred. They are great for classic and I have a bunch of them, though I haven’t worn all of them yet (and I don’t have a lot of great pictures of me in the ones I have worn, unfortunately). I love that they work well by themselves, but also can have other floral clips clipped in near them for an even more OTT look.

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